Saturday, October 25, 2014

Emotions and Feelings Object Lesson

Start with showing your class the Emotion Jar.
Explain to them how to play Emotion Charades (see rules below). Begin playing.

Emotion Charades
  1. Have a child come up and pick an emotion out of the Emotion Jar
  2. The child acts out the emotion for the others to guess (if the child doesn’t know how to show the emotion, you may help them)
  3. Once the emotion is guessed, ask the class if it is a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ emotion, tell them how that emotion is shown in everyday life and how to control that emotion if it is a ‘bad’ emotion.
  4. The child that had guessed the emotion correctly is the next to pick and act an emotion out.

After all the emotions are gone through, or when you think they’ve been playing long enough, show them their new Feelings Book . Tell them that they are to write what they are feeling at that moment down. If you’d like, you could have them write in it everyday at a certain time during class.

Next show them this video The Feeling Song.
After that plays you can show them how to sing “If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands”.

To wrap it up you may want a treat to go with your lesson, if it's not fast sunday. I think sugar cookies or cupcakes with different faces frosted on them would go good with the lesson.

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