Sunday, July 19, 2015


I completely forgot I had this blog because I haven't been doing much of anything since I moved. I will try to do thing about once a week starting this up and coming week on Thursday, but I don't have many resources at my disposal while I am visiting my father. I will try my best though.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Faith Value Project

Faith is the first value in the book, so for most people it is one of the first values finished. I am one of those people. It was, I believe, the first value I had completely finished. Even now it is one of the only values that I have finished.

For my value project, I took an idea directly from the book."Describe the blessing of faith by writing an original story, poem, or song or by completing a visual arts project that illustrates your faith in Jesus Christ."

I believe that I am a fairly good artist, so I decided to draw about my faith.

My steps that I have written down are

  1. Think of an idea, and then make a rough sketch
  2. Start the actual drawing
  3. Sign the finished product and show it to my family, leaders, and class
My idea was to draw The Saviors' hand supporting my own as coins that have the word faith written in multiple languages. 

The final product came out to look like this

This took almost fourteen hours to complete, and I am immensely proud of my work.

As I was typing this, I remember a story I wrote for my creative writing class that I took four or five years ago. Thinking back to it now (I've long since lost it), I can remember that it was about faith.

I believe it went something similar to this;

A man wandered the cold, snowy streets. He was barely clothed for the cold winter weather of Northern Utah, but when he passed a warm shelter he simply walked by. This man wasn't looking for any temporary warmth from a fire, but something to warm him from the inside.
He continued walking blindly through the streets of Salt Lake City until he came across a bright white building. He looked around wondering what the building could possibly be, and he saw another building. This one was smaller, more modest compared to the castle that stood near by. He walked over to this smaller building and looked at the sign near the door.
It read "Welcome to the Salt Lake City Temple Visitors' Center".
When the man read these words, he felt a warmth start in his heart. He opened the door and stepped inside.
The original story was a bit more detailed than that, but this was basically a summary. A man was searching for something to warm him inside. He was wandering the streets of Salt Lake until he came across this building. Upon investigation of this building, he gets a warming sensation in his chest. What lead him to the temple? What was the feeling he had when he read the words of the sign?

I am not saying that you should go and try to copy my idea and draw something, or write something, especially if you are not confident in your artistic ability. I am just trying to motivate you and give you an idea of what is possible.

Want some more ideas for your project? Click here for quick access to The Personal Progress Helper's post on faith value projects.

Emotions and Feelings Object Lesson

Start with showing your class the Emotion Jar.
Explain to them how to play Emotion Charades (see rules below). Begin playing.

Emotion Charades
  1. Have a child come up and pick an emotion out of the Emotion Jar
  2. The child acts out the emotion for the others to guess (if the child doesn’t know how to show the emotion, you may help them)
  3. Once the emotion is guessed, ask the class if it is a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ emotion, tell them how that emotion is shown in everyday life and how to control that emotion if it is a ‘bad’ emotion.
  4. The child that had guessed the emotion correctly is the next to pick and act an emotion out.

After all the emotions are gone through, or when you think they’ve been playing long enough, show them their new Feelings Book . Tell them that they are to write what they are feeling at that moment down. If you’d like, you could have them write in it everyday at a certain time during class.

Next show them this video The Feeling Song.
After that plays you can show them how to sing “If You’re Happy and You Know It Clap Your Hands”.

To wrap it up you may want a treat to go with your lesson, if it's not fast sunday. I think sugar cookies or cupcakes with different faces frosted on them would go good with the lesson.

Feelings Journal




Open your word processor and copy and past this stuff in it.
Add these photos to the cover 

The following are the pages. Make several copies of this.

My Feeling Book

If you do not want to copy and past this, you can create your own template, but this is what I did.

Emotions Jar Direction

Materials Needed:

  • 1 empty mason jar (any jar will do)
  • colored card-stock paper
  • decorative, non-card stock paper
  • a list of emotions
  • a word processor (Microsoft, Notebook, ect..)
  • some sort of adhesive (double-sided tape or glue)


  1. Get on your word processor and type out Emotion Jar and your list of emotions. Make sure to do this in different font sizes.
  2. Cut your decorative paper so it will fit in  your jar, you may need two pieces to cover the whole thing.

  3. Print out the words and sick them on a color of card-stock, like so

  4. Cut the words "Emotion Jar" out, glue or tape them onto your card-stock, cut that card stock out with scissors. I did mine with design scissors so they have the jagged edges.Stick the two words onto a piece of decorative paper (non-card stock) with your chosen adhesive.
  5. Put everything in the jar and there you go!